UK Florists Email Addresses

The UK florists email addresses we have available are gathered by a team of UK based telephone researchers to ensure that the information we provide is accurate. If you have the perfect service or product for florists across the UK and you would like to let them know about it, then we know you won’t be disappointed with the high-quality marketing lists we have available. Along with email addresses, you will also receive a range of other contact information so you can launch the targeted campaign of your choice.

Emailing your prospects is a fantastic way of getting in direct contact quickly and cheaply. However, over the years, email campaigns have risen in volume, you need to ensure that your message stands out for all of the right reasons to grab instant attention. We can help advise on this for you and our advice is free of charge.

If you have never purchased data from us before, then we will be more than happy to provide you with some free samples from our florists database, to help show you the quality of data we have available.

For more information about the UK florists email addresses that we have available, please call us on 01603 673 380. We are here to help and we look forward to speaking with you soon.