List of Florists Email Addresses

The list of florists email addresses we have available can be supplied to you for your direct marketing campaigns this year. If you are looking to target florists to promote your products or services, then we can make sure that the process of obtaining the database you need is hassle-free for you. Along with supplying you with a list of florists email addresses, you will also receive full contact information so you can call them or send some information in the post.

All of the data we supply which includes our list of florists email addresses are gathered, cleansed and refreshed by a team of UK based telephone researchers. All calls are recorded for your peace of mind and you can be sure that by coming to us, you will be getting an accurate and targeted database of florists email addresses.

With over 8 years of experience within the industry, we know what it takes to create a marketing campaign with an impact. We will happily provide our advice to you free of charge to make sure your direct marketing campaigns are a success.

Please do not hesitate to contact our team on 01603 673 380 if you would like more information about the list of florists email addresses we have available. We are here to help and to make sure that your email campaigns are a success this year.

Look no further for your list of florists email addresses