Help finding a List of Care Homes

If you would like help finding a list of care homes then we can help you and welcome to Clarity Solutions! If you are planning a marketing campaign where your target audience is care homes within the UK then we have an extensive list available. You can rest assured that the business data we source is updated by in-house telephone researchers to ensure it’s as accurate as possible.

To ensure that the list of care homes is as accurate for your campaign as possible, you can source the size you require (employee, or turnover), along with who you wish to contact within the care (MD, FD, IT Decision Maker, etc) and how you want to contact them.

Don’t struggle trying to find a legally compliant list of care homes for direct marketing. We can provide you with the list you require within the quickest time possible to ensure you can conduct your direct marketing campaign when you require.

If you would like to have some samples from our list of care homes then please click HERE to submit your enquiry to us.

Would you like to find out more with regards to the list of care homes we can provide you? If so, then please call the team here on 01603 673 380. We’ll be more than happy to assist you and we look forward to hearing from you.