GDPR Database of IFA Firms

Would you like to speak to IFA firms in the UK to see if the products or services you provide would benefit them? If so, then you will need to have a contact list of IFAs so you can conduct a marketing campaign to them. At Clarity Solutions, we provide an up-to-date GDPR database of IFA firms. The database will include full contact information so you can contact the IFAs by mail, phone or email. You can cherry pick the list you want in terms of the location of the IFAs, the size and who you wish to contact within them, this ensures that you are running a targeted marketing campaign which will yield positive results.

The GDPR database of IFA firms that we provide is compliant with the new legislation so you can rest assured that you are allowed to contact them under the lawful ground of legitimate interests. You just need to ensure that any companies that opt out of future communication, you won’t contact again. We are here to make sure that you comply with all legislation and the data owner has done all of the hard work to make sure that you can but the GDPR database of IFA firms you want.

If you have any questions about the marketing list of IFA firms we supply, please call us on 01603 673 380. We are here to help and we look forward to hearing from you.