Florists Email Addresses

Get speaking to florists across the UK to promote your product or service with our targeted florists email addresses. The data owner we work with for florist data lists has a team of dedicated telephone researchers who ensure the florists email addresses we supply are accurate and opt ins are obtained. Whether you’re looking to launch a national campaign or target certain geographical locations, speak to us today to see how we can help.

Along with supplying florists emails addresses, you will also receive a range of other information as well for different marketing campaign requirements, these include the florists business name, mailing address, telephone number, full contact name, job title and number of employees within the business. Our database of florists is provided to you on a 12 months multi-use license so you can change your campaign as required from using the florists email addresses, through to the telephone or sending information in the post.

We don’t just stop there with florist data lists, we cover all industry sectors in the UK so if you want to speak to businesses then we can ensure the process is quick and straightforwards. Our prices aren’t bad either!

Would you like a quote and some samples of florists email addresses in the UK? Get in touch today by calling us on 01603 673 380. We look forward to hearing from you.