Database of Schools

Whether you need a list of primary schools, secondary schools, private schools, colleges or universities, we can help at Clarity Solutions. In particular, our database of schools is perfect for any business looking to contact schools UK wide to promote their products or services. Whether you want to contact schools by phone, email or direct mail, our accurate database of schools will not let you down for your marketing campaigns.

Our database of schools is kept up-to-date by telephone researchers in the UK to ensure it complies with all direct marketing legislation. Our aim is to make sure that the process of running the marketing campaigns that you want is hassle-free for you. We also guarantee all of the lists that we sell for your peace of mind and provide a 100% guarantee.

If you would like to try our data before you buy, then you can request some samples online free of charge. Once received, you will be able to call the schools to ensure that the data is accurate. We also have no minimum order requirements for you to worry about.

If you have any questions about our database of schools, please get in touch by calling us on 01603 673 380. We are here to help and we look forward to assisting you.

Make us your first choice for your database of schools!