Database of Restaurants

Do you have the perfect products or services for restaurants in the UK? The only way they’re going to know about them is if you make direct contact with the restaurants to tell them. However, before to try to compile your own database of restaurants, there are certain things you need to consider! The first being the time involved to do this and the second being the legalities of the list you have built. Are the companies opted in correctly? are they on the TPS/CTPS register? That’s why, coming to us here at Clarity Solutions to purchase your database of restaurants is a smart move on all fronts.

We have a database of restaurants available UK wide that’s been built by a team of telephone researchers in the UK. All calls are recorded to verify details and to obtain the 3rd party opt-in for you. You are therefore, legally allowed to contact those companies by mail, telephone and email as all records are screened against the TPS/CTPS registers.

Do you have any questions about the database of restaurants we have available? Please call our team on 01603 673 380 and we will be more than happy to help. If you prefer, you can email us on in**@cl***************.uk.