Database of Hotels

The data owner we work with has an extensive database of hotels available which you can purchase to use for your marketing campaigns this year. Within the database of hotels we have available, you will receive the full contact information you need to run a successful marketing campaign. Whether you are looking to contact hotels by phone, email or by direct mail, we have taken care of the hard work for you so you can focus on promoting your products or services to the hotel industry.

Trying to build your own database of hotels is a timely task and one that requires people to focus on full time to gain a meaningful and accurate list. The data owner we work with for our hotels list has over 90 telephone researchers making the calls on a daily basis to ensure the lists we are selling are up-to-date. Our team are here to support you to make sure that the list you purchase from us proves to be successful and provides you with an excellent ROI.

If you have any questions about the database of hotels have we have available, please get in touch by calling us on 01603 673 380. We are here to help and will be able to supply you with some samples free of charge.